Saturday, January 28, 2012

New year and a birthday....

Rosie made it through the holidays unscathed.  We didn't make it until midnight on New Year's eve but that is okay.  The next day we had lots of company to enjoy our meal of collards, black-eyed peas, cornbread and pork chops.  She loves it when everyone comes over.

Our next big occasion with Rosie was her 1st birthday on January 11th.  As you may remember, we really weren't sure about her actual birth date when we got Rosie on March 18th.  They told us 8 weeks, but we and our vet thought a little older.  So, in order to easily remember, we deemed her birth date at 1-11-11. That would have made her 9 1/2 weeks old when we got her.

Anyway, she got more new toys and special doggy cookies for her big day.  She even got a special ice cream treat, which she LOVES.

I made her a birthday hat, but she really wasn't thrilled with Jerry putting in on her head.

She stared it down for a little while.  I know she was thinking
 to herself, 'I'll tear you up, later,' but I put it away before she had the chance.

All and all it was a good day.

I guess once the puppy turns a year old she isn't considered a puppy anymore, but a dog. I like puppy better, so Rosie will always be my puppy.

I love my Rosie, puppy or not.